....so we headed North for our few days of freedom. Friday afternoon found us in Anderson, Indiana, feasting on Steak n' Shake. I know, we're way out of our league, aren't we? Both babies did, however, pee on the potty, and Griffin actually pooped on the potty! A very proud Mommy I am! After we finished our meal of steakburgers and fries, we headed even further north, taking in the sites of Ball State University, our alma mater. So much has changed there, it's unreal. I'm so glad that they limited their renovations and additions until after we'd graduated, as having contruction sites everywhere, while the end result will be nice, marred the beauty of the campus. We continued going North, eager to find that which is called Ivanhoe's, a little ice cream shoppe with a big reputation. We secured it's location and ate ice cream until we were fit to burst. It was worth the search!
....So, we still didn't know exactly what we'd do, but knew that we'd go through Ft. Wayne, which left us stopping by to see our old neighbors and dear friends, Jan and Jerry. We took the off-chance that they'd be home, and wound up spending the night. Rude? I know we were, and I feel badly about that! She did offer, if that eases your mind about us at all. I did ruin her plan to scrapbook that night, but methinks that she was excited to see us, as she wasn't as upset by her change of plans as I. We found out that they were doing a Zoo Boo of sorts at the Ft. Wayne Zoo, so we decided to go see if we could get in. We got there, only to find out that we would have frozen our tail-ends off if we would have waited in the line that wrapped around the parking lot. So, off to the land of tokens, games, and tickets we went, eager to give our children a good time, despite the fact that we'd give ourselves head-aches in the process. Yes, folks, I'm talking about Chuck E. Cheese's, where a kid can, indeed, be a kid. Adults can act like children, too, should they wish to indulge themselves in a game or two of Skee Ball.
....After spending the night, we woke early to further our mission to destinations unknown and continue Northward. We stop by Pokagen State Park to check out their campground in hopes of future journeys. I was feeling worse for wear, so this trip was mercifully cut short, and I didn't have to go hiking or check out the alpine slide. After a few pain pills (my liver is so upset with me) and a few more miles in the car, we make it to Fremont, an outlet shopping Mecca, to see what deals we could find. We buy Collin some much-needed clothes, me some much-wanted new stuff, and the twins some very cute hats. Other than that, our trip doesn't last long. There was even a scrapbook store at this mall, but I didn't buy anything....you KNOW that I'm not feeling up to par if I stop in a store that sells ANYTHING scrapbooking and don't buy a single sticker.
....We drove and drove and drove some more, searching for a place to eat. After we drove a little, we drove some more....If you've been through Indiana, particularly central Indiana, you'll understand the fact that there is a LOT of flat land and FEW places to eat that don't include a drive-through. So we drive-through Burger King, secure some snacks, and head to Kokomo to see whether we could finally eat something worthwhile. We finally settle on Damon's. Pricey, and not really all that good, but I won a few rounds of trivia. I've not lost my edge. HA!
....So now we're back at home, getting ready to climb in the car for another trip. This time, we know our exact location and every detail of what we'll be doing, down to the nano-second. How do I know this? We're going to Terre Haute to visit Aaron's grandpa, where we'll be keeping him company on the eve of his late grandma's birthday. You can't visit a man who's eighty and not know when your next meal will be...it's illegal.