Life as a reformed Zookeeper. Now living a life as a working mother who dabbles in karate, scrapbooking, and Coors Light!

Saturday, October 08, 2005

Ahhh, Saturday.... today's events included the following....

1. sleeping in until 9...a far cry from 6, but still not late enough. hehe
2. showering with the event, lemme tell ya
3. sweeping up the cereal that erin and griffin dumped in the daycare while i tried to apply for a job online yesterday afternoon.
4. going to lunch with my sister-in-law and the fam to the Mellow Mushroom in Carmel.
5. going to Meijer to look for toddler beds
6. going to Just Kid'n Around to look for Toddler beds and ultimately purchasing a Wiggles bed for Griffin
7. going to Wal-Mart to buy a fitted sheet for Erin's bed, as was feeling guilty that i wasn't buying her the princess doll-house bed, but using the used toddler bed from the mother-in-law
8. FINALLY filling out the application online for a position at the NICU with people that cared for the twins...the NICU has since moved locations, but the people would be the same.

Does anyone remember what my intentions for the day were? It was not that....not that I'm complaining too much.

So, tonight I have to set up Griffin's bed. Hopefully I'll make it to the in-laws' house tomorrow to get the other bed.

Good news on the job search front. Everyone needs to keep EVERYTHING crossed that something will come through with the connections I've made:
1. my old workplace is hiring for a similar position...same type of work, different team
2. i received a phone call from a temporary/permanent staffing not ten minutes after i posted my resume.
3. i've decided that no matter whether the two of these things works out, i'm definitely quitting day care and searching for a new position, as i can't physically or mentally keep up with the demands....this is liberating, yet frightening, as i do not relish the job search process and i do not relish the thought of telling all my parents that i can no longer help them out.

Keep me in your thoughts, as this will be a bumpy ride, I'm sure.


Blogger SeeingDouble said...

Please be careful with toddler beds. My daughter broke her leg on hers last November, and had to be in a hip spica cast for a month, a walking leg cast for an additional 2 weeks. You can see pics on my Flickr page. I'm glad you caught some extra ZZZZs, everybody loves SLEEP!

2:30 AM

Blogger Chris said...

Oh good luck with the job search deal Steph! Seems like everyone is needing one right now. I'll keep all my stuff crossed for you!

(And how long has the word verification been here...? I'm a dork and didn't see it, that's why no comments in forever.)

6:29 AM


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