Life as a reformed Zookeeper. Now living a life as a working mother who dabbles in karate, scrapbooking, and Coors Light!

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Update on the Insanity That is Me.... today was a long-ass day. 15 hours, to be exact. Yes, I need to learn the word "no." Do they provide training in that?

....for those of you who've I've not told already, I hired the teenage girl from next door to come and help me (and be my friend) ten hours a week. I shall let you know how we do with this.

....for the moment, I thought that the only person looking to hire me was Applebees', but I got two new prospects today...and still might keep Applebees' in mind if I get the first of these prospects. A woman called me today to see how many kids I take. I told her too many, and that I didn't know what I was going to do about getting out of the daycare business and into the working world. Well, she's looking for someone to come into her home and care for her two children, who, are younger than the twins, but this could be a good thing for me. Especially since I would make over half of what I need to survive. And, this would all take place over three days of the week instead of five, which would leave me to persue things like a push-up bra and a waitressing job at Applebees'.

...the second option is to interview for a place called Bankers Life. I'm not so sure how I would do with a job in insurance, but we shall see. I've not even investigated what position they would like for me to do. So I shall call them tomorrow and see what's up there.

Wish me luck!

And, Katie....two days!!! :D


Blogger tiffkindred said...

I tihnk the applebee's job would be fun so yo could meet al lnew types of people...including potential employers! If you are looking for a nany type position.... I have a place I would highly reccomend! I hope your days are getting better! Smile, someone is thinking about you!

11:07 PM

Blogger tiffkindred said...

Ok I get off at 8:30..will the porch still welcome guests? I will bring my own wine or woodchuck. I feel like running far far away....
I hope you are having a much better day so far! ox...t

10:55 AM

Blogger Auntie said...

Didn't hear about the insurance job..hope it works out but if not something else will come around.

Keep you head up...I feel a push-up bra coming into your future!

8:48 PM


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