Life as a reformed Zookeeper. Now living a life as a working mother who dabbles in karate, scrapbooking, and Coors Light!

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Slowly But Surely.....

....we're coming a long with the potty training. Woot! So far, so good, as we've had a pee each, and it's only 9:30! Woot!

....we're still pooping over the floor, but methinks that this tends to come second. Either way, it's coming along!

....Yes, I know I do look young, for those of you who said as much yesterday. I look like the first "oops" baby, instead of giving BIRTH to the "oops" baby. Well, actually, I gave birth to two "oops" babies, since I was so NOT planning on EVER EVER having twins. (stop laughing, Katie and Greg) ! But yes, I do look young for 28. And I've also had people argue with me over whether Collin was mine or not. Yes, they've actually argued with me. I nearly offered to show them my c-section scar and the stretch marks!

...and Judy, I really do love my rose-colored glasses....too bad they're broken at times. ;)

....anyway, happy Tuesday to all!


Blogger Cath said...

No, dont get the scar out Steph, it's bad enough having to look at my own without someone else showing me theres LOL

4:20 PM


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