A Big Shout Out To Alaina.....
.....CONGRATULATIONS!!!! I'm so very proud of you for passing the bar exam! You're going to make a terrific lawyer. And, as always, you're a terrific sister-in-law. Love ya, chickie!
Life as a reformed Zookeeper. Now living a life as a working mother who dabbles in karate, scrapbooking, and Coors Light!
.....CONGRATULATIONS!!!! I'm so very proud of you for passing the bar exam! You're going to make a terrific lawyer. And, as always, you're a terrific sister-in-law. Love ya, chickie!
.... for those of you who've been around, you know that I taught German for a year. I spent four years and a shed a lot of tears of frustration to learn a language that I thought worthy enough to pass along to others. Because of the lack of respect that teachers receive from students and parents, I had the worst first year imaginable. There were other things that contributed to the fact that it was an awful year, but that was the main factor in why I decided that maybe teaching just wasn't the gig I was supposed to play. I even declined an offer to teach German to go to work in an accounting firm, not knowing what I'd be doing. I was that disillusioned with teaching.
....I tried to blog yesterday, but Blogger ate my post. grrr....
....yes, Chipshaker, I have become a cider drinker....lol...but lately I prefer the gin with the Minute Maid cherry lime-aid. Good, good stuff. ;)
.... so tonight, I became a __________________________.
...for these people. Different hospital than Erin and Griffin, but both were on that medicine while they were there, and it very easily could have been them. My heart goes out to those families.
...not that my family didn't need to eat supper, but I'm suddenly feeling guilty about ordering pizza. True, it cost less than taking us all out to a sit-down restaurant, and even perhaps going to McDonalds', but I feel guilty nonetheless. It might have something to do with the fact that I not only bought the stuff, but ate FOUR slices of it.
....so today went fairly well. It was more relaxed than I anticipated. A few unexpected guests came by, and that took up the time that would have otherwise been spent doing things like painting the house (for Aaron) or doing the laundry (for me). I did, however, get some familial filing done, which has made a very microscopic dent in what is the pit of my craft area.
....so, I think anyone who knits needs to go .... here ....she's my best friend, after all. *winks*
...it's time to get a part-time job, methinks. I'm just not seeing this whole, let's-pay-600-a-month-even-though-that's-a-good-deal-for-two-kids daycare bill. I knew that this was going to be an issue, but I'm not sure how much more we can cut back, ya know? *bites nails*
...so I'm really glad that I wasn't there to witness the following. For the record, I was in Cub Scout hell. I will post more on this in a bit, but first I must tell you what a champ my husband is.....
...for crafting, that is. You see. I'm a slob. Crafting tends to be a messy sport. I create, and along with the end product is a huge mess. I hate cleaning (slobs tend to be that way), especially when I feel like it would be a big job and don't have the energy to give it a good go. So, I procrastinate. Well, the procrastination has led me to not craft for months. After thinking that I'd spent a few hours in the morning up to my knees in sledge and who-knows-what-else, cleaning in the office didn't seem like such a daunting task. So, I straightened out a bit in here. I made good progress, yet still have plenty left to do. I have plenty of storage in this room, yet feel like I do not adequately use it all. I need help in that department. Anyway, after I straightened a little, I had enough space on my desk to be able to create a card for my less-than-pleasant-yet-has-been-nice-lately-boss. You see, for reasons I will not go into here, she wound up in the hospital last week. She's going to have her work cut out for her when she gets back in the office, because no one touched her stuff. So I made her a card (Please don't be mad at me, dear friends for whom I still need to make thank-yous for all my neat-o birthday gifts!! They'll be coming!). My other colleague, the other female in the office, had a really tough go of it last week, so I used one of my stamp-camp cards and am going to give that to her. It's not entirely what I would have picked for a pick-me-up card, but it is good enough. And hopefully, it will give her a smile. Now I'm working my way down my list of people whom I need to thank for all the wonderful things they gave/did for me last week. I do have some wonderful people in my life.
...setting the alarm for 6:15 a.m. on a Saturday...
...name that song. *winks* I know one of my faithful followers will know this, as she and I saw her in concert a few years back....
....so, I've not heard from my biological mother since my letter. No call on my birthday, no further contact whatsoever. I suppose I'm still undecided on how I feel about that, despite the fact that I'm justified in my hurt feelings and anger. I suppose it just stinks that I know that this is the woman who dropped me from her uterus. In some ways I feel like I'm similar to her. I hope that these are the good qualities that she has, though I know that some of the bad ones are also there. I just hope that the worst quality that she possesses...to be so oblivious to her own children...is not something that I have. It does tend to make me hyper-sensitive to when I'm not being the "perfect parent." During those times, I get very down on myself. *sigh*
....and had not the first drink last night.
...so...seriously, and Judy will laugh at me, but this was one of my best birthdays ever. Here's a little low-down on my day.
...My parents, while not being as almighty intelligent as I once thought, have intelligences of their own. These intelligences evolve over the years.
...to nursing school. Today at work, I walked on someone's back (an old-school chiropractic trick forced on unsuspecting grandchidren by their grandmas) and also administered eye-drops to someone who'd just received Lasik (spelling, anyone??) surgery.
....in preparation for the re-ghosting of our computer, I have been copying pictures to cd....I have all the pictures downloaded that were begotten with my Sony CyberShot. The second of my digicams. Now I need to copy the pictures taken with my very first digicam, the Canon Elph something-or-other. I really prefer Canon digicams. Which is why my new one is a Canon S3IS. Am looking forward to becoming close acquaintances with it. I could have gone for the Digital Rebel, but that would have been twice as much, and perhaps going a bit too far. As it is, I think that there are additions that can be made to this camera, as far as lenses and bells and whistles go.
...so nothing says the American way like being up to your eyeballs in debt! Today, I replaced the digital camera. With a nice one. Much nicer than anything I've had before nice one. 600 dollars nice. 18-months same-as-cash nice.
...i got to sleep in. always a nice way to start a weekend. *thanks, aaron* i then took the twins and collin to a nearby park with judy's son. they played and played, and then i called judy, and she gave park-side delivery of mcdonalds' to the seven of us (she has two sons, remember). after we ate, we went to the park's nature center, where the kids could use the toilet and see things like live snakes and turtles. the nature center has a trail behind it, so we went down the trail until the mud puddles started appearing beneath our feet, then made a hasty retreat the way we'd come. was still fun to spend ten minutes in nature with my girlie-friend and her boys. *smiles*