Life as a reformed Zookeeper. Now living a life as a working mother who dabbles in karate, scrapbooking, and Coors Light!

Sunday, September 10, 2006

A Small Break in the Dry Spell....

...for crafting, that is. You see. I'm a slob. Crafting tends to be a messy sport. I create, and along with the end product is a huge mess. I hate cleaning (slobs tend to be that way), especially when I feel like it would be a big job and don't have the energy to give it a good go. So, I procrastinate. Well, the procrastination has led me to not craft for months. After thinking that I'd spent a few hours in the morning up to my knees in sledge and who-knows-what-else, cleaning in the office didn't seem like such a daunting task. So, I straightened out a bit in here. I made good progress, yet still have plenty left to do. I have plenty of storage in this room, yet feel like I do not adequately use it all. I need help in that department. Anyway, after I straightened a little, I had enough space on my desk to be able to create a card for my less-than-pleasant-yet-has-been-nice-lately-boss. You see, for reasons I will not go into here, she wound up in the hospital last week. She's going to have her work cut out for her when she gets back in the office, because no one touched her stuff. So I made her a card (Please don't be mad at me, dear friends for whom I still need to make thank-yous for all my neat-o birthday gifts!! They'll be coming!). My other colleague, the other female in the office, had a really tough go of it last week, so I used one of my stamp-camp cards and am going to give that to her. It's not entirely what I would have picked for a pick-me-up card, but it is good enough. And hopefully, it will give her a smile. Now I'm working my way down my list of people whom I need to thank for all the wonderful things they gave/did for me last week. I do have some wonderful people in my life.

...I also did the most-hate-task of cleaning the bathrooms today. *pats self on back* After three weeks or more, they really needed it. And now I feel unclean and need to take a quick shower.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ugh..bathrooms. Now let's craft! All work and no play makes us cranky bitches!

6:42 PM

Blogger Cath said...

Thats why im glad i only have 1 bathroom!
Get some crafting done lady cause i wanna see!

5:17 PM

Blogger Cath said...

Oh and sorry i missed your birthday, ive been on vacation!

5:18 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's absolutely not what I was thinking. ;)

11:50 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, it's been 48 hours and then some, come on and update. i can't live without you.

8:28 PM


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