I AM: excited about my new job...to the point of distraction and the ability to annoy everyone around me...
I WANT: to go back to bed
I HATE: mean people...an oxymoron, i suppose
I MISS: my old boss. don't get to see her enough.
I FEAR: losing those I love.
I HEAR: a bunch of whining and fighting...did i mention that i have 6 days, 7 hours and 20 mins left of this bullshit??
I WONDER: what the new designers were thinking when designing the current workwear...
I REGRET: never having gone to Germany
I AM NOT: a good housekeeper....so sorry, Aaron!
I DANCE: to the Wiggles right along with my kids...
I SING: pretty well for never having a professional lesson.
I CRY: pretty much when i have an extreme emotion...
I AM NOT ALWAYS: so negative...
I MAKE WITH MY HANDS: awesome cookies! ;)
I WRITE: exactly what i feel.
I CONFUSE: everyone, because i can string coherent thoughts together sometimes.
I NEED: to tell Aaron not to forget to pick up Market Day tonight...
I SHOULD: do anything but sit here, filling in this survey....
I START: cleaning and get interrupted by just about anything, leaving the mess.
I FINISH: all the cookies within a day (or a few hours...)