Honey Bees...
...am feeling like I should be singing a Winney the Pooh song at this point. I'm working on one of our properties this week, and it has been a better experience than the other one I used to help out. Today I come in to a message that we have a bee problem in one of the trees. So when the exterminator came in today, we told him about it. He said that they were honey bees, so we couldn't exterminate them. Very interesting little delimma I've got working here. I have spoken to two beekeepers, one of whom is trying to help me find a good home for them, and one of which has told me to leave them alone and they will find a home on their own. Despite the fact that it looks like they've started to set up house in my tree, they are actually a football-sized SWARM of bees, which means that there are probably 15,000-20,000 of the little helpful but mean little things in that tree! The one helpful one is calling the people he knows around my area. And, he did say the same thing to me that the other lady said. They are likely to find their own home. I'm just hoping that it's NOT in the eaves of one of my apartment buildings....but for the moment...one kid with a rock could start a nasty nasty thing!