My Babies are Getting So Big.....
....Griffin was released from Speech Therapy today! :) I'm excited about this, as it means that we are ever-nearing being "normal" two year-olds. Though Erin will probably forever be shorter than everyone she knows. We shall see on that one.
So two weeks left until my vacation! I'm quite stoked about that. Life isn't bad right now (am so bi-polar, no??), but I still can't wait until I have a week without any kids other than my own. Am also planning to figure out how to go away by myself to do something.....with or without Aaron, but definitely without my kids! I've not been away from them for longer than a day (aside from the times in the hospital when i was sick and unable to go see them...), so this shall be a big treat for me. I just might have to figure out how to spend TWO nights away from home. LOL
I'm working slowly but surely in getting my office/scrapbook area set up. The rest of the house, particularly the daycare space, has kept me from actually having the time to crawl up here and get it done. I also need some help getting some things hung so that I can use the space. Not sure whether I'll have to do that or not, as I have a closet in the office to utilize. I can't wait to have it all set up. Knowing that Katie is scrapping again is making me want to have at it again! :)
OK, nap time is coming to a close, so I shall get back up off my butt.