There is Something Wrong With Me....
...when I go to Wal-Mart hoping to sneak in buying a new CD and all the ones I want to buy are only available in EDITED versions..... Love Wal-Mart for their value-priced sensorship.....
Life as a reformed Zookeeper. Now living a life as a working mother who dabbles in karate, scrapbooking, and Coors Light!
...when I go to Wal-Mart hoping to sneak in buying a new CD and all the ones I want to buy are only available in EDITED versions..... Love Wal-Mart for their value-priced sensorship.....
...with a little help from my friends. I seriously would be in the shitter without them. They have kept me sain over the past week. From brining my family Sprite and other illness-related goodies to make you feel better (Hi, Judy!), to Starbucks (Hi, Rebecca!), to putting up with all my text messages whining (Hi, Katie!), to chatting with me on Mobile IM (Hi, Renee and Nancy!).....You have totally kept me out of the insane asylum.
So we're still sick. Everyone but Collin. Collin went to the nurse's station on Wednesday with a 99.7 "fever". That's it. Otherwise, every other family member has been stricken with this loverly flu strain that gives the person a fever and so much congestion they cough themselves into an oblivion. And the fever won't go away. We STILL have it. I am still sick, but I don't get paid sick leave and I'll be damned if I use all my vacation time for this fucking flu.
So while I was off getting my tuckus kicked on Saturday, Aaron took the twins to see his grandpa in Terre Haute. While there, someone asked the twins what they wanted to be when they grew up.
....OK, so I did it. I went to good old Muncie, IN yesterday and participated in my first-ever karate tournament. It was interesting to say the very least! You sign up for the tournament, which gains you access to compete in five events. Chanbara (think NERF meets samurai and that's pretty much the weapon you're fighting with), Weapons (where you do a kata --routine-- with a weapon of your choice), Self-Defense (think setting up a try-out for Texas Walker set up a scenario of self defense), Kata (a routine of punches, kicks, blocks, etc....think dance), and Kumite (sparring). I was hoping to sign up for Chanbara, Kata, and Kumite. I had to not go for the Chanbara because I didn't have a full-mask head gear. What kinds of pansies are running this, anyway? A full mask? WTF? Little did I know that I would have been the only woman in my division who would have signed on to compete, thus earning me a first place plaque and some points. Whatever. So I had to bow out of that one. I did, however, compete in kata. Was nervous as shit, but got average ratings for the kata. Was simply happy to finish it. I got third place. Woot! Oh, I shouldn't forget to tell you that only three women in my division were there that day, eh? *winks* So, next came Kumite. I lost my one round. I didn't even score on the girl. She was mean. Mean, I tell you! The redemption on this one? A girl who actually won first at Nationals last year got swept by her, too. So I can't really say how I did. The girl who got second (which is a lark, too, because I never fought her, so how would we REALLY know how I would have done....she got the buy, so an automatic second place....a lark, no?) told me beforehand that she's NEVER won against her. So I feel a little vindicated. I still don't know how I would be against other competition. So I walked away with two third place plaques.
I celebrated each of my kids by making them a book that was a "Weekend Creative" project by Ali Edwards. I read it to each of them this morning, giving them some snuggles. They were well received.
On Politics: am thinking that I'm an Obama fan. I think he has more charisma than Hilary. I don't typically voice my political views on my blog, as they're severely limited. But I think that he would be a good presidential candidate. He screeches less when he's put on the spot. Shallow? Perhaps. But I think that this country might need a fresh face to be its representative, too.
....Happy 5th Birthday to the Gruesome Twosome! I'm so happy that you're turning five. That means that you're growing up. Growing into big kids who will be doing bigger and better things all the time. And despite the fact that I will always call you my babies, you're no longer babies. This year you will go to Kindergarten. We will stop taking communal showers. I will no longer keep dressing you in the morning. You will be too big for that. But I hope that you don't yet outgrow climbing into bed with me on Saturday and Sunday mornings and cuddling with me. Not yet. Aaron and I are taking turns running from our house. Last night, Aaron went with his friend to BW's to watch the IU game. They left around 7ish to get a table and eat boneless buffalo wings and drink beer. While I didn't begrudge him the time away from the house (between karate and karate, I get time away!), I really did begrudge him the boneless buffalo wings. So I fell asleep pretty early (though I wasn't tired from a late night out on Wednesday, as I was home by 10:45...I know....shocking!) and didn't realize that he got in really early....His friend Curt had opted out of staying with us and instead went home, which is about 1 1/2 hour drive. So they left. Before it was over. And IU won in double OT. I feel bad for Aaron. I did send Curt a text message today making fun of him for leaving early!
...I can only imagine the hits that those two words will get. fucking justice. I so got to the point where I hated the Patriots. And the assholes had the nerve to march on to the field to the tune of none other than Crazy Train. Who said they could do that? That's MY song. MY song. And in a fit of nerves and five Coors Lights later, I thought I might just have to give it up and go to bed. But I'm glad I didn't. Despite many errors in the first half, the Giants pulled it off. And, while it would have been much better to have had the Colts go to back-to-back Super Bowls, I'm certainly not mad at the Giants for squeaking it out.
...that's what I feel like the weather people are saying... we were threatened with this huge winter storm...and we got maybe 1.5 inches on the ground. It's a bit slick, but nothing major.