k....i really really hate it when i have sick kiddos... :( griffin is now back on his albuterol treatments....am hoping that this doesn't mean that we have to avoid the children's museum all winter now.....that would really suck! if i have to, i will...cos i really hate the thought of having to hospitalize either of the bubs....
crazy? why yes, i probably am....but until you've held a two pound baby to your chest after two weeks or over a month of waiting, you wouldn't understand the fear that even a sniffle brings to me. and yet griffin's wheezing again. in saner, more sleep-filled, well-feeling days, i can attribute this to a regular cold that all children will get, and that griffin was likely to have asthma anyway....but when i've spent nearly the entire night on the sofa with a girlie who was waking herself up coughing...and listening to the boy in his bed, coughing all the time....and not feeling well myself on top of it....i start to really get afraid. it could very well be irrational, but what the hell is a blog for if i can't whine in it? it's my damn diary after all! hehe
k....am taking my sleep-deprived, sinus-stuffed self off of here and finishing those christmas plates for the parents.....yes...cookie plates....tho with reindeer made with the kids' feet and hand prints.....will have to take a pic and show you all, as have secured the location of my digicam.....
back later, if you're lucky.......yeah, whatever....