Life as a reformed Zookeeper. Now living a life as a working mother who dabbles in karate, scrapbooking, and Coors Light!

Friday, December 10, 2004

Yesterday was a pretty busy day at the zoo. Actually, I spent very little time here, actually. I took the kids to the Children's Museum, and we had a blast. Tho, now we're all tired from it! :) It's wonderful to be able to leave the house! I feel like some sort of criminal, really, like I'm doing something I shouldn't!

I bought Mr. Dante the stuff to make a fleece blanket. I think he will love it. So that will make four blankets. I still need to get on the stick for the other stuff, though, or some people will be disappointed!

I was late yesterday for an appointment. An HOUR late! ROFL. I thought for sure that I'd be a single woman by the end of the day, because the appointment was for a health screening to get me life insurance! I felt so badly about it! Why is it that my brain can't function at full capacity right now??


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