Life as a reformed Zookeeper. Now living a life as a working mother who dabbles in karate, scrapbooking, and Coors Light!

Monday, December 06, 2004

alas, i knew that this day would come...but i am going out of the LP business.... :( it frustrates me that i posted a message on the team's board, trying to sell some of my business tools and they took it down and didn't even tell me sorted my leftover inventory....wowwwieee!! i spent way too much damn money on that stuff! of course, at the point that i bought that stuff, i was depressed and was using retail therapy to see if i could get better....i didn't until the stress left, but i have the leftovers of it to look at all the time! ROFLMFAO!!

other than that, not much new to report at the zoo. we put our tree up...or i should say that aaron and collin put the tree up. i am feeling very much like a hum-bug this year. :( perhaps i'll get into the holiday spirit later, but i'm not seeing it anywhere in the immediate future. aaron usually is less into christmas than i am, but he's even more into it than i am this year. perhaps it's time to up the meds? ;)


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