Feeling a Bit Better....
...for the first time in a while, I've sat down to pay bills and haven't had a moment of blind panic at the thought of how we're going to make it through the next week and a half. What's funnier is that I've not been paid the extra money for pimping apartments on Saturdays! Woot! I might be able to give my kidlets Christmas after all this year. Seriously, for the past few months, I've felt like we live paycheck to paycheck. And sometimes not even that. We've battoned down the hatches and have cut out much of our unnecessary spending, so that has helped. I still have a bunch of credit card debt I would like to see paid off, but for the moment I'll settle for not bouncing checks! *winks* I still will work as many Saturdays as I can so that I can pay down some of the credit card debt.
...so for the next few posts, I will instead bitch about things like Sunday school and AT&T, and muse over getting set up to use the computer at the library.