Life as a reformed Zookeeper. Now living a life as a working mother who dabbles in karate, scrapbooking, and Coors Light!

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Teaching Karate...

Today will be the first day that I've actually led the instruction at our dojo. While I'm ok with most of it, I'm still nervous. Usually I come in to help, but my Sensei does most of the instruction, and I help. We'll see how it goes. But I'm a bit on the nervous side.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Crazy Busy....

We've been quite busy Chez Byers.... Between all the kids being in scouts, karate, and school, it seems there is never a night at home. Most of the time it's ok, but lately it seems to be taking its toll. I can't wait for summer to be here so that life will calm down a little.

I did my second 5K run, this past weekend. My time was 34 minutes, plus, but I had to walk and jog for the last mile or so. I'm a little disappointed that I couldn't finish it running. My body is not happy with me right now. I'm going to the doctor soon to get checked out. For the most part, I'm ok, but I'm not feeling 100%, so am feeling the need for a checkup. I've not been for a physical in a while, so I'm certainly due.

I've gotten to know a few people in my neighborhood (thank you Gruesome Twosome and your activities!). We hung out with about four neighborhood families at Howl at the Moon on Friday night. One of the girls in the 'hood won a party, so we had free cover. We got there a little too late to enjoy all the perks... like half-price drinks and free food, but we got in on some of the festivities. It was fun!

I've been busy at work with various crochet projects. I'm working away on Judy's sweater, but have been taking breaks here and there to work on baby hats. A photographer in Indy (the brother of one of the aforementioned neighborhood ladies!) is interested in making them available in his studio for families to purchase. So I've been working on them. Need to get back to the sweater, though!

Thursday, March 04, 2010


......yes... I'm a neglectful blogger. I've been busier now than I ever have been in my life. It's both wonderful and crazy-hectic at the same time. Here's a bullet list of things going on:

  • I've been crocheting anything that resembles yarn right now. I've made a ton of baby hats, two sweaters, and some kiddie purses. My first sweater is something that I'll really enjoy when I'm sixty, as it is a bit of a cross between a sweater and a poncho. The second one is much more cute and fitted, and is something I'm tempted to make in other colors. Anyway.... crochet is definitely taking up my time. I will eventually get around to posting some pictures. I haven't even taken any pictures of my second sweater. I'll get to it! :-)
  • My friend Judy and I opened up an Etsy Store! You can find an array of homemade goods if you go to and search the sellers for "thecraftfairy". We still have more stuff to post, so keep checking back!
  • A person in my neighborhood has a brother who's a photographer. She helped me sort Girl Scout Cookies (more on that in a minute), and saw my hats and said that her brother might be interested in buying some from me. We'll see what happens, but something might be in the works! I'm terribly excited about the prospect and hope that something turns up from this. As always.... we'll see!
  • Cookie Mom---because I can't say no, I'm the Cookie Mom for Erin's Girl Scout Troop. It's been a long ordeal, and it's almost over, but, aside from a few near misses, it's gone fairly smoothly. Sunday finds me outside Marsh at a Cookie booth. Here's hoping it goes smoothly!
  • I've been teaching two nights a week at the dojo. It's been a fun experience so far. I am hoping to get it down to one long night instead of two shorter ones, but for the moment, it's been nice. Of course, with how busy everything's been lately, it's been hard to get to the dojo for other nights.
  • I'm on a concert binge at the moment. On Feb. 19th, I went to see Chevelle and Sick Puppies... On Feb. 24th, I stood in line in full-out punk clothing in the driving wind (oh, that was laced with snow) to see Drowning Pool and Sevendust.... and on Mar. 8th, I will be going with Aaron's sister, my future brother-in-law, and Aaron to see Flogging Molly. So far, I've had more fun than you can imagine.
  • I continue to be a Facebook junkie.
  • Saturday I am going with a friend of mine to Columbus, OH to be with her as she does her very first karate competition. Despite the fact that it will be a long day, I'm terribly excited for her and can't wait to see this type of competition.

There you have it, blogging world.... I hope this finds you all well!