Life as a reformed Zookeeper. Now living a life as a working mother who dabbles in karate, scrapbooking, and Coors Light!

Monday, April 11, 2005

Crazy Day, Yet She Has Energy at the End....

Today was a looney day, but a good day. I had extra kids at the Zoo, but we actually were able to accomplish a few of the things on my list. I am trying to make it a habit to read at least once to the kids per day. It's one of those things that's easy to forget, but is easy to sneak in right before I lay everyone down. Much easier, though, when the Mary Kay lady isn't coming around to get things from me. And then wonders why I'm so stressed sounding. I just needed to get everyone down for afternoon nap, and she was interrupting it. That's all. Oh, well.

So, to add to the lunacy, a new animal starts at the Zoo tomorrow. Well, a new-old animal. She's huge now, a whopping 11 months, she's enough to break an arm! ROFL....but she's a sweetie, so I think that we'll get along pretty well after a while. Her name is as cute as she is.... Lilli. :)

So tomorrow I have to figure out how to unload two kids around the five o'clock hour.......stay tuned for further details on the second showing of our house..... YIKES!!!

Off to clean now.....


Blogger preemiemum said...

Me too, so how did it go????

Everything crossed here that it went well

2:16 PM


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