Life as a reformed Zookeeper. Now living a life as a working mother who dabbles in karate, scrapbooking, and Coors Light!

Wednesday, May 19, 2004

I'm working on re-doing my blog, if you havent' noticed. I figured it's time I learned a little about html.....tho i'm not very good at it thus far! LOL

feeling a bit better since i took the whole day off (yes, me...the one who's always working) to sleep, while aaron took care of his children. he actually let me sleep in and not really have to get up and nurse them. i had griffin come nurse and he fell asleep with me, as is the case on so many saturday and sunday mornings when he's the last to nurse. it's good bonding time! :)

my good girlfriend, rebecca won two tickets to norah, am i jealous!! i saw norah jones when she was not as well-known....she opened up for the indigo girls. stephenie and i talked through most of her concert (says this steph, blushing! LOL). i really do like her, and have bought both her cd's. :D

collin and i are up to chapter 13 of prisoner of azkaban. we're hoping to finish it soon so that we can see the movie. he's way excited about it, and bursts into tears every time we can't read it. he had to be made understood that i didn't feel well enough to read last night. i told him that it wasn't fun that i didn't feel well and that if i had the choice i would definitely read to him!! oh, well....i suppose that i had to be told that, too as a youngster!

here's hoping for a good tomorrow...need to pick my sorry as up off the chair and resume flylady lifestyle! ;)


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