Life as a reformed Zookeeper. Now living a life as a working mother who dabbles in karate, scrapbooking, and Coors Light!

Saturday, May 08, 2004

whew....i'm nearly through with my mother-in-law's mother's day album, and i'm TIRED!! my sister-in-law and i were up until 2 this morning working on it....and...guess who never sleeps in past oh....6:30?! LOL i know, i's self-imposed torture to still be nursing them this late in the's very hard to stop when you know they're your last.....and THEY don't want to stop right now, so i don't see many reasons to bother making them...............unless i win a trip outta here! :P

i can't believe that i've completed nearly 40 6X6 pages in a week's time.....actually, it's about 43, because i did get a whopping three pages done on the baby boy album i'm tending to hawk off on some willing soul......i'm getting the scrapbook bug back....along with that comes the shopping bug, too........shhhh...don't tell aaron! :)

i also read 60 pages of harry potter to collin....our new reading goal is to finish the third book before the movie comes out in the theater so we can go on a date......collin would really rather watch the movie before reading the book, but i don't! LOL...mean, mean mommy! hehe

it's been a busy, but fruitful day, tho i feel off the flylady wagon again.....oh, mother-in-law will hopefully like her gift, so i don't think flylady would object to that! hehe

i got my mother's day present a week's a very pretty bracelet with austrian crystals on it that are similar to the kids' birthstone colors (amethyst and citrine) also has some sterling silver charms that spell "mom"....very it last saturday at the craft fair......but it broke saturday night after the ben folds concert, so i had to get it repaired already.... :( BUT...the woman who made it was just as sweet as she could be and fixed it for nothing!

i'm still working on trying to be happier in life....the bad thing is that last night, aaron and i fought again about housework stuff and the fact that he gets a break when i don't.....i know, i know...he used to do all the housework, but i still feel as though if we get it all done in the early afternoon right after he gets off work, that we could spend some couple time together later....oh, well....maybe we'll get around to that, too, eventually....

i'm really hoping to keep up with things as well if not better than i have for the last few weeks. i really needed the motivation to get things in order around here.....sounds weird, but i think if i worked harder at that, i would actually not feel so stressed out and tired. working harder usually equates getting more tired, but we'll see! hehe

happy mother's day to all the mom's out there! :)


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