Life as a reformed Zookeeper. Now living a life as a working mother who dabbles in karate, scrapbooking, and Coors Light!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Busy.... I think that I've told the blogging world about how busy I am right now. My friend Melissa always makes fun of me, and lets me know that I really need to learn the art of saying NO. Perhaps I do. So far, I not only work outside the house full time, but I also teach karate two nights a week, take karate a few nights a week, am Griff's assistant den leader for Cub Scouts, and am the Cookie Mom for Erin's Girl Scout troop. Needless to say, I'm running like a madwoman these days. Oh, don't forget that I've made it my mission to make things for the hospitals, too. You know. In my free time.

...speaking of free time, I don't generally watch television in my spare time. I just don't. Not that I think that there is anything wrong with television. I just usually wind up spending my time on the computer or crocheting when I'm wanting "down time." Well, Tuesday night found me watching The Biggest Loser as I sat crocheting on a project I'm wanting to get done. And SOBBING LIKE A BABY! Not sure why I was so awash with emotion at Patti's pleas to keep Stephanie on the ranch, but holy crap, I cried. So methinks perhaps I shall keep with no television. It's very hard to crochet through the tears. That, and I got the WORST headache from it.

...Tuesday also found me sending off my first set of things for Stitches from the Heart. I sent in 13 red baby hats, in hopes that they could use them for Valentine's Day. Valentine's Day was the first of three "holidays" that the twins spent in the hospital, and I found it a little comforting when the hospital put little notes or did little things to celebrate. So I'm trying to pass that along to the other people who are going to be spending holidays, no matter how big or small, in the hospital.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know they'll appreciate the hats. We spent Easter and Mother's Day in the NICU with The Bean. Know the feeling!

3:11 PM


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