Life as a reformed Zookeeper. Now living a life as a working mother who dabbles in karate, scrapbooking, and Coors Light!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

oh, hello!

...I'm not much of an updater right now, am I? The Facebook vortex has sucked me in... *sigh*

...we're doing much of the same around my house. And most of it has been illness after illness. Collin was the last man standing, and now he's been struck with pneumonia. Poor guy. I feel pretty badly for him.

...I've still not come back 100% from being sick. And I'm damn tired of it. My endurance is shot, and I can't do nearly as much as before I got sick in the first place. I went to the doctor today and he gave me an inhaler and a chest x-ray. We'll see what he says when he gets the results back and we'll see how I do on the inhaler.

...the twins have been emotional wrecks right now. Not sure why, but they're definitely out of sorts. Am hoping that things calm down for them soon... They're also fighting a LOT lately.... the utter and complete joys of motherhood! *winks*

...nothing else really cool going on here....


Blogger Judy in Indiana said...

Did Collin make it to school today? Sorry about his homework. I checked three times yesterday. Dumb F#@$%^&.I didn't think to go back and check today. Sorry.

8:46 PM

Blogger crazed lunatic said...

he didn't make it to school yesterday but he's there today... and is not too happy about it! :-)

Thanks for trying to get his homework... Aaron left a message for them the day that you attempted to pick it up and then yesterday only one teacher left the homework for him... WTF?! Not too happy with the middle school at this point...

9:02 AM

Blogger Cath x said...

Happy New Year girlie! Now get updating!!!
Cath xx

7:38 AM


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