Life as a reformed Zookeeper. Now living a life as a working mother who dabbles in karate, scrapbooking, and Coors Light!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Is Love Week, After All.... last week I had lunch with Judy, who so kindly watched my kidlets on Monday. She's a gift giver. And she gives stuff to people who will appreciate them. Even if they're her cast-offs, she gives stuff away to the appropriate people. And, well, people like me appreciate it. She knows that I have a thing for Frango mints. And had a can of Frango cocoa mix. She didn't like it? So I got it. And damn, if it isn't yummy. Included in this little package, which was tied with a colorful ribbon, were some packets of tea. Just what I needed today. I might go through all eight packets today. You're a gem, girlie. And you know it.

...This morning (and I don't even think Aaron reads my blog anymore), Aaron put a cute card and bar of chocolate on my steering wheel. Too sweet. Thanks, babe!

....wishing I felt the love from Griffin today. Usually he spares no expense on the cuddling and loving I get from him. This morning, however, he was feeling like a jerk (am wondering if he's not getting sick). He was mad that I'd asked him to stop his game to get upstairs to finish getting ready. He threw the Game Boy. So I told him that he would not be allowed to play it later tonight. To which he threw an all out, fists-pounding-feet-kicking-the-floor tantrum. Swell.


Blogger Katie said...

I'm telling you, it's their job to make you insane. ;)

1:55 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't you love little treats like that!

Hope Griffin has a better day tomorrow!

10:28 PM


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