Life as a reformed Zookeeper. Now living a life as a working mother who dabbles in karate, scrapbooking, and Coors Light!

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Snowballed by an Eight Year-Old.....

So, Aaron's family has been dogging me unmercifully about the fact that Collin doesn't know how to swim and also doesn't want to even get in the water. So, Aaron's mom is paying for him to get private swim lessons from one of her friends' daughters.

So we go for his first lesson last night....and the tears are spilling before we even leave the house. And when he gets to the pool, he's all-out crying. Aaron and I leave to take the twins to a nearby park to play, leaving him there by himself for the next half hour. Well, we get to the pool, and find him still in the water, having a blast.....

......I'm being snowballed by an eight year-old. hehe

Wish us luck on future lessons....not too sure if this was a one-time fluke or not, but we'll see.


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