Life as a reformed Zookeeper. Now living a life as a working mother who dabbles in karate, scrapbooking, and Coors Light!

Thursday, June 10, 2004

today was a quiet day, aside from a doc's appointment in the morning. the babies had their developmental peds appointment today. unlike many of the other appointments we've had there, they were very upbeat and happy with the babies' progress! i can't tell you how happy this made me! griffin is now getting really close to bridging the gap between where he would be had he been full term and where he should be at the age he really is. well...he is for gross motor development, at any rate! erin, however, is getting really close to bridging the gap with fine motor skills. it's funny how i forget that the babies have come so far from the little half-baked peanuts that they were. they never cease to amaze me, and i love them so much!


Blogger crazed lunatic said...

they really do tell a tale. they just look like smaller babies until you see the pic of my finger next to's really hard to believe that those pics are only 16 mos old!! they've definitely come a long way!

11:56 AM


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