the weekend was decent. saturday night, aaron and i went to a place called 'on the border', a mexican restaurant with good food and decent margaritas. we were going to go to bahama breeze, but it would have been a 50-70 min wait, and i hadn't eaten anything since around noon and it was already 9! geezy peats you would think less people would be out and about at 9! (i know, i know....26 going on 86!)
it was a nice dinner, tho. i started losing my voice, so it was hard to talk to aaron, but it was fun to be out with just him.
sunday was spent at the hospital with jan. she sent her little boy over to my house (they'd tried calling, but my mother-in-law was jabbering to me) to tell me that she was throwing up and was really sick. so, i followed him back to their house, where i found jan sitting on the steps, sobbing because she was in so much pain. i went home to change, and then gathered up toys for her son, not knowing whether we'd be taking him with us to the hospital. wound up that her husband came home from church, so we decided that i would take her in to the ER while he stayed with the kids. we got there, and they couldn't give her anything for the pain and nausea until the doc saw her. the nurse was really rude about it. we sat there for what felt like forever, with her vomiting and clutching her side in pain. i kept putting cool cloths on the back of her neck, feeling like the biggest dumbass because i didn't know what to do to help her.
she wound up having a kidney stone, which she passed after she got home. she goes to the docs today, and hopefully they'll put her on some sort of regimen that will help her to pass any that are left. she's been having trouble with this for a while, but no one could tell her what was wrong, so who knows how many she's passed. poor thing.
i slept for the better part of the rest of the day yesterday. i'm still not feeling especially great now, but am muddling through. at least i'm not doubled over in pains worse than childbirth! thank goodness for small favors.
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