Life as a reformed Zookeeper. Now living a life as a working mother who dabbles in karate, scrapbooking, and Coors Light!

Monday, November 17, 2008

12?! Are You Kidding Me?!

....Happy Birthday to Collin, who turns 12 today. Is so very hard to believe that he's getting so big. He's sassy and funny, yet he's sensitive and caring. Am excited to be able to call myself his mama.

....Not sure if I told blogland already, but he's had his present for a month now. He saw on eBay an iPod Nano, with the wider screen and some stupid amount of memory. So, I put in my limit, and we actually won the thing. It has a docking station and everything. He was happy with it. Am I'm happy, too, because he gave me his old Shuffle.

....Tonight we're going to Logan's Steakhouse (Grandma made the mistake of letting Collin choose where he wants to eat....she complained that he'd gotten expensive. Maybe next year she'll let me choose Taco Bell to offset the cost. They all made fun of me when I asked one year. I was told to pick someplace else....). Then I think we're going to Grandma's for cake and presents.


Blogger Alaina said...

Happy birthday, Collin!!! I can't believe that he's 12. He's such a great kid, and I know he's going to grow into a wonderful adult. Can't wait to see you guys later!
~One very proud Aunt Nain

8:22 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is that one of those places that has the peanuts??? I LOVE peanuts... but it does mess with my gout...

9:06 AM

Blogger Katie said...

Happy birthday Collin! I have a card for him, I'll drop it by sometime.

9:29 AM

Blogger Nancy said...

Happy birthday Collin!!!

10:32 AM

Blogger Auntie said...


Happy giving birth day to you!

5:20 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here are deep thoughts by Miss Lynn.
..when Collin was the twins age I watched him. We would swing and sing songs. We would make up lyrics and laugh.
ok, so the thoughts are not so deep, if you'll excuse me I need to pull out some grey hair
Happy Birthday Collin!!

8:13 PM


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