Life as a reformed Zookeeper. Now living a life as a working mother who dabbles in karate, scrapbooking, and Coors Light!

Friday, November 14, 2008

The Concert....

.... so I forgot to update about the concert, in my hungover haze yesterday. It went really well. The kids were amazing, considering they'd only been playing since August. The funniest part, though? It lasted only TWENTY minutes. That's it. In. Out. Done. I hadn't planned on going to karate, but I'd packed my bag in some delusional hope that I would be able to go. Who would have thought that it would only last that long? Crack me up. But I'm proud of my young man. He's worked hard.

...Matt: Collin got the stuff back, so he can give you back what is rightfully yours. Apparently the instrument was in hiding in the storage room. Am doubly thrilled, as we had about 100 bucks worth of crap in that case, too.

...Lynn: yep....I disproved that theorem. And I only had four beers on top of the drink, which isn't unusual for me.

...Nance: good ideas for the vanilla vodka, but am going to stick to beer from here on out.

...Liam: Who doesn't love a good round of "Hotel California"? I would get up and sing that, if I were going to stay around the loud hell-hole of a bar!

....Rebecca: thanks for the well-wishes. I had a Taco Bell feast for lunch and was feeling right as rain after.


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