Life as a reformed Zookeeper. Now living a life as a working mother who dabbles in karate, scrapbooking, and Coors Light!

Friday, October 24, 2008


...immediate supervisor: am so not appreciating the current micro-managing of me.

...colleague with a tickle in your throat, causing you to audibly clear it fifty times in the morning: how about some water? You're two offices away from me. I shouldn't have to hear this....

...dear boss: if you really want the cleaning lady, who is currently standing in front of you, to dust your desk, how about you ask her directly instead of having me do it? Really, you speak Spanish just about as well as me...

...the one with ugly feet: how about a nice pedicure? The calluses on your feet, which are black in color, are an eyesore!

(Yes, am feeling snarky today.... Happy Rainy Friday!)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

...supervisor: If he/she wasn't micromanaging you... what would he/she do???

...colleague: When he/she leaves her desk sneak over and leave a cough drop on their desk as not-so-subtle hint.

...Boss: if he/she spoke to the cleaning lady that would mean he/she would have to have contact with the lower class...

...Feet lady: Seriously... why is anyone seeing her feet at all?

9:17 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wait, you sound like me yesterday. Sounds like you have an advanced case of the Mondays. And on a Friday, too...I think you need a drink. That's the only way to cure it....

9:44 AM

Blogger Kari said...

Do you ever worry about someone at work reading your blog?

FYI I got a pedicure yesterday and got rid of the black! LOL! My feet look so much prettier but you cant see them through my socks and shoes.

9:49 AM

Blogger Nancy said...

It's October for God's sake. and it is rainy and cold. Why is she wearing any type of foot wear that would allow you to be able to see her feet?

Leave a nasty picture of a foot with fungus and calluses on it on her desk. I'm almost certain if you google the words nasty feet a ton of pics will come up.

1:05 PM

Blogger Auntie said...

funny stuff to read...not so funny to have to work with it!

4:55 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've had days like that.

11:13 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for the compliment on The Bean's hair! I'm going to attempt to do a photo tutorial blog post on how to do that. We'll see if it turns out.

What's funny is that this is about the ONLY hairdo that The Bean doesn't destroy when I do it. I have no idea why.

8:56 PM


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