Life as a reformed Zookeeper. Now living a life as a working mother who dabbles in karate, scrapbooking, and Coors Light!

Thursday, August 07, 2008

Fixing Pictures....

....So my friend Judy has speculated on whether a new camera is in order or good photo editing software. I don't typically play around with my photos that much. But have seen what others have done with just a nudge here or there. So I've played a bit with my pictures in the past week. Actually, I've played with two pictures. The one of Griffin and the one you see here. I thought maybe you'd like to see the before and after. The one right here is the before. And the one below is the after. Kind of nice how lightening the picture a jacking with the color can make it just a little better. This is certainly no award-winning photo, but I like how it turned out. And hey... the subject matter is good! *winks* last night we went out to dinner, since we were down a kid. A lady at the table next to us asked me if Erin and I had to work hard to look so much alike. And for the longest time, I didn't see it. But more and more, the poor girl is starting to look like a way cuter version of me. I think it's the glasses. We're due for some new ones. She insists that we get the same frames again. Very cute. feeling worse for wear today, as I went out last night. The wounds of a hangover are totally self-inflicted. But it was good to go out, as have not been out in several weeks.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is a free version of picasa or picnik linked directly from Flickr if you want to play with that as well.

10:19 AM

Blogger Judy in Indiana said...

Did you eat somewhere good? I am way jealous, as I would like to never cook another meal in my life. I just want food delivered and set on the table for me at home.

10:25 AM


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