Life as a reformed Zookeeper. Now living a life as a working mother who dabbles in karate, scrapbooking, and Coors Light!

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

A Year Ago.....

....all I can say is...WOW! I am helplessly addicted to putting pictures up now, in case you hadn't noticed. And it's amazing to me just how fast the kids are growing. Collin has slowed down a bit. But the twins? YIKES! I keep teasing all of them to quit growing up so quickly. And it's seriously in jest. Am excited to watch my kids grow into what they'll eventually become. But man. Does time fly so quickly.
....not much going on Chez Byers. We're doing more of the same. Collin and I had class last night. And we'll have class again tonight. Sparring's back! Am hoping for a good crowd so that I can get some practice in....and a good workout!
....we're getting everyone ready to go back to school. Sunday we went to Shoe Hell (Shoe Carnival) and bought the twins the until-now-elusive Skechers shoes that they've been jammering for. When talking about what to do for dinner, Griffin said he wanted to eat someplace nice so that he could wear his new shoes. Collin's feet are getting to the point where they're the same size as Aaron's. And because he shares genes with both his mother AND his father, he's going to have bigger feet than Aaron. And Aaron just needs to move past that. He will likely be taller than Aaron, too, according to the pediatrician. There is always hope for Griffin to be his size. *winks*


Blogger Kari said...

Ive been thinking too that posts without pictures are almost a waste of time!

Your kiddos get cuter everyday! I mos def need to see more, more, more pics!

9:50 AM

Blogger Judy in Indiana said...

I think Noah wore my size of shoe in the Second Grade. Seth? Not my size yet, but close. Very close.

5:00 PM

Blogger Auntie said...

That is a cute picture of them cooking! The comment about going someplace nice to wear his new tennis shoes is cute!!!

7:36 PM


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