Life as a reformed Zookeeper. Now living a life as a working mother who dabbles in karate, scrapbooking, and Coors Light!

Friday, June 27, 2008

Feeling Pretty Good... I went to the chiropractor yesterday. He did more of the same. And I'm not entirely sure that I feel much difference. And that frustrates the doc. He said that I should feel different, and that if I didn't start noticing a difference, then he wasn't the doc for me. Am thinking perhaps I really do need a shrink? But I do know that the things that he says makes total sense. The pain in my right side is probably caused by the karate. My thing is that unless I give up karate altogether, the pain will likely not go away, will it? What does that mean for me? The good news is that when I'm active (as I have been until my neck gave out...but that feels much better from this time last Friday), the pain in my side isn't as severe. It's been MORE severe since I've laid off karate for over a week now. Quite the enigma on what to do.

...and you would think that after three 23 oz. glasses of beer (aside from the few ounces I spilled on the table..hehe) that I would feel a little worse for wear this morning. But I feel great. Of course, I ate a TON, and didn't dehydrate myself by working out like a fiend before drinking. Anyway, we had a babysitter last night, and Collin spent the night at the neighbors' house. She seemed to have the whole house under control when we got home. Upon asking her whether she'd be willing to come back, she said yes, so we'll see! The downside is that going out is EXPENSIVE! We spent 60 bucks at BW's and 20 for the sitter.... YIKES! But it was a lot of fun to hang out with Matt and Nay and Steph and Paul.

...I ordered pictures from Father's Day, which came in yesterday. Am so excited to scrap them. Am feeling a little more balanced lately. For a while I felt like I'd lost my crafting mojo. But throwing my neck out helped me get back in the swing of things. Am having fun with it lately. Which feels great.


Blogger Aaron B. said...

No pain, no gain. Your husband feels you should be working out more...with him. Ah yeah.

11:02 AM

Blogger Judy in Indiana said...

I think you should give up Karate and craft more. Can I work out with your husband, too, or is it by invitation only? (heeeheee)

Yeah, you should definitely craft more and work out with your husband after that! Only, please don't scrapbook those pictures!

2:13 PM

Blogger Judy in Indiana said...

What the hell is this? A new look?! Did you do this, or did Aaron? I have to think Aaron did it, or you would have 1) Warned us and 2) ASked us what we thought. As for me, I don't like change. Not at all. And unexpected change is the worst of all. Please say something about this weirdness in my world!

9:38 PM

Blogger Kirsty Wiseman said...

bluergh - chiropractors.
They are glorified sadists!

Are you really a very tired mommy?
LOL xx

9:42 PM

Blogger Auntie said...

60 bucks? What did you eat and/or drink for that?? BW?? Really??

9:46 PM


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