Life as a reformed Zookeeper. Now living a life as a working mother who dabbles in karate, scrapbooking, and Coors Light!

Monday, December 31, 2007

What a crazy week it was.... I went to Southern Indiana for the funeral. In knowing how delusional my bio-mother is, it's easy to forget just how sweet my stepfather and his family are. And the love they show to the obviously delusional bio-mother makes me love them. They love her and have patience for her like I can't. They're a very sweet family. And it didn't matter that I hadn't seen any of them for the past two years. Didn't matter that I hadn't said good-bye to step-grandpa. I will forever struggle with my feelings toward bio-mom and the heebie-jeebies I get from being around her. But my stepfather's family is a group of people that I am going to try harder to associate with. They care unconditionally. And my kids need to see that.

...And I got home on Friday evening to be greeted by Katie, Greg, and her five kids.... and two bottles of wine. I got home at five. The bottle was gone before seven thirty. I threw up and was passed out by eight thirty (Oh, and Judy? You left just in time, my dear girlie!). *blushes* Not so proud of that, and very sad that I missed so much visiting time, since everyone else went to bed around twelve thirty. I was so tired and drained, though, that they understood. I just hope that they either move back to the midwest or aren't afraid of coming back to visit. I promise to be better behaved, if you come back, guys! other news, I found a Wii. No lie, I found one! It was at a store called Pamida, in the town where Katie and I grew up. I was actually able to buy two! Collin is very happy. He's even happier that I get nauseated while playing it, so he doesn't have to share! *grins*

....tonight will find me at Matt and Renee's house. I will not be drinking red wine, but Coors Light. I will be a good girl.....yeah, right! Happy New Year to you and yours!


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