Life as a reformed Zookeeper. Now living a life as a working mother who dabbles in karate, scrapbooking, and Coors Light!

Wednesday, December 19, 2007


....every year (the whole two years I've been here, at any rate), we get the best almond toffee ever. I can't keep out of it. I just wish I could afford getting it year-round.

....saw the Biggest Loser finale last night. I don't typically watch a lot of television that isn't Colts football, but I got sucked in last night. How awesome that these people can lose that much weight. I do worry, however, about the safety of losing that much weight so quickly? One of the guys that works for us has lost over 100 lbs. since his bariatric surgery. His wife has lost over 80 lbs....WITHOUT surgery. She said that since her husband couldn't eat that much, she wasn't inclined to fix as much, so her weight's come off, too. They both look FANTASTIC!

...Aaron's been sick lately. I actually have to strongarm him into staying home. It's crazy to try to do as much as possible to make it easier on him. He did fix dinner last night, but I wound up giving the Gruesome Twosome their bath before I took Collin to karate. That was one hellish hour. I got home just before six and left for karate just before seven. I ate, gave the twins a bath, and got Collin there on time...whew!


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