Life as a reformed Zookeeper. Now living a life as a working mother who dabbles in karate, scrapbooking, and Coors Light!

Friday, January 05, 2007

happy friday!

nothing much ado in Office Monkey-land. I'm happy to report that I do not have to work tomorrow. My wallet might be adverse to this, but my spirits aren't! Kind of nice to have a weekend off here and there.

...Aaron's parents gifted Collin (and us, I suppose) with an air hockey table this Christmas. We have been playing on it quite often. So often that I've pains in my back. Go me. It's fun, though, and I am playing hard-nosed like my Gran did with me as a kid. Never let a kid win. Never. They really learn to play the game that way. Ask anyone who's ever played me in Scrabble. They'll tell you. I'm competitive. I don't always win, but I win a lot. hehe

....Am so ready for the weekend. I feel so tired today. And really...I don't think I should. Have been taking the old vitamins again recently and have been trying to get to two karate classes a week. It's not going to dump off the pounds, but I would think that I should feel better. I know, I know....the vitamins take six weeks to fully kick in...twice a week should be more like four a week...blah, blah, blah...cut the diet Coke consumption...blah, blah, blah..... *sigh*


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't know if I have ever played scrabble. Maybe you can teach me sometime and we can play.Does Collin play? I don't know if Noah would, but he is fairly smart, he just doesn't sit down and do quiet things like play games.

5:42 PM

Blogger Katie said...

Don't play Scrabble with Steph!!! Then again I suck at spelling so maybe that's why I'm no good at it.

6:34 PM


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