Life as a reformed Zookeeper. Now living a life as a working mother who dabbles in karate, scrapbooking, and Coors Light!

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

You Know It's Going To Be a Bad Day When......

....the first thing you hear in the morning is "I frew up." And the first thing you get to do is gag as you clean refried beans out of your daughter's long, curly hair.

Feel free to add your own way of finishing this sentence. ;)

....I know that I've not done my very best at updating you all, but you've not been doing a fabby job of commenting (aside from the two or three who are religious commenters) comment! ;)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I will not comment and you can't make....damn it you tricked me. :)

10:56 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

My dog refused to go outside and do what she does out there yesterday. Too rainy, maybe? She'd go out, then sit at the door for as long as you'd make her, then she'd be back in.

I walked her outside today and she made her poopies. I let her in. She made three more piles in my house, in various places for me to find this morning. Then, when I deicded, maybe she needed to go back out, she jumped the fence and ran off. WTF?!

3:01 PM

Blogger crazed lunatic said...

does that mean katie's gone for good??

3:51 PM

Blogger Katie said...

Your dog's name is Katie? *sigh*

I worship at the House Of Stephanie and Gin!

9:32 AM


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