Life as a reformed Zookeeper. Now living a life as a working mother who dabbles in karate, scrapbooking, and Coors Light!

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Tuesday Titter....

...I was going to post yesterday about my "Monday Musings," but Monday came and went and didn't afford me time to sit down at the computer to type. I now sit down at a dinosaur-esc computer at my local library, utilizing my parental rights and decision-making skills to allow myself internet access. musings....

....Griffin will be a rockstar....mark my words...I think that he was second only to the bride and groom at the wedding we attended this weekend in the amount of attention he managed to attract for himself. I shit you not, the child was going up to dancing couples and busting them apart to make them dance with him!!

....Once again, playing designated driver time, I shall fork over the $120 to get a room. *winks* It actually wasn't that bad. A little more alcohol would have definitely increased my happiness, but it wasn't entirely necessary for the enjoyment of Saturday's festivities.

...The only kind of fun when it comes to my familial relationships is dysfunction....

...My so-called mother sent Collin a birthday card and was only a day late. I still have yet to have any sort of personal contact with her since the "Letter of June 2006."

...My brother and sister-in-law are moving in with so-called mother....certifiable is the only word for it....

....Once again, I'm really glad to be living so far away from familial fun.....


Anonymous Anonymous said...


7:52 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'll be seeing you tonight when we craft! I can't wait!

2:44 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I want to see pics of Griffin dancing! Hope you took some lady. Normality? What the hells that?

2:51 AM


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