Life as a reformed Zookeeper. Now living a life as a working mother who dabbles in karate, scrapbooking, and Coors Light!

Wednesday, June 21, 2006


(tap, tap....testing, 1, 2, 3)

OK, now that I've brought you all here, I have a few things to announce.

Number one. Due to circumstances beyond her control (read carpal tunnel surgery....YOWZA!!), Judy (the girl who uses my blog as her'll note her copious comments. they brighten my day, which is why i haven't started charging her rent.) has had to order in a cleaning service to her house today. In order to cover the extreme and over-inflated cost of such an undertaking (which shouldn't have been that big, in my humble opinion....she's really a neat-nick and there is no way on God's green planet that it should have taken the time it did to get through her house), she will be forced to beg for money on my blog. Because I do not have a good way to put a sign on my blog as a donation button, please provide charitable donations to PayPal via my emai address. I shall then pass the proceeds to her, less my administrative fees. Other efforts on her part are to sell all unused/underused crafting supplies at her house. Email me for directions. Thank you for your support.******

And our second item of business is, of course, a quick story about my son, Griffin. While with me in my room last evening, he goes to my underwear drawer and takes a peek in. To which he exclaims, "Look at all this treasure!" Mind you, there are only underwear in said drawer. Granted, I have an affinity for a certain type that are not always the first choice amongst mothers of my calibur, and might be considered slutty. But they are underwear, nonetheless, and a three year-old will not know that they are slutty or otherwise. Not for another ten years or so, at any rate!

***I'm serious about the fact that she had her house cleaned. Anything beyond that is not endorsed by Judy herself. Feel free to make that donation to my PayPal account, though. *wink*


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Apparently I am in the wrong business, we should sell your treasures on ebay! Just what is your treasure? I am imagining some very sexy thongs from Victoria's Secret, apparently emblazened in jewels according to Griffin's comment about treasure.

I actually had a thought about what would really sell well on ebay, slightly worn very sexy panties. But ebay has a rule that used clothing is to be clean. So I made up my own web site, Don't go look, I didn't do it for real, it was all in my sick twisted head. Just think of all the sickos who would pay for something like that. I could even charge extra for shipping to prisons....

All this scrappin'? I am so in the wrong hobby for money making schemes.

Thank you for affirming I have a fairly clean house, I hoped it wasn't just my little fantasy, but somewhat staked in reality.

9:39 PM

Blogger Katie said...

I want a maid! I think I need to add a paypal button to my website. hehe

Griffin is too funny.

8:48 AM


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