Life as a reformed Zookeeper. Now living a life as a working mother who dabbles in karate, scrapbooking, and Coors Light!

Thursday, February 09, 2006

My Road To Hell Is Paved With Envy.....

....You've heard me say that I'm jealous of people. I think that it is a human characteristic to be jealous of people. But I suppose what makes me a saddo this go is that I'm jealous of my husband. Why? Because he gets to go to things like Science Conventions with his best friend. What have I done with any friend lately?? Well, I suppose the last time I saw friends was about a month ago at Judy's SU! party. So I'm throwing myself a pity party. Yes, a pity party. Table for one. To solve my problems with this greenish cast to my face, I made Aaron and Curt take me to BW's...formerly known as BW3 for some Woodchuck and some hot wings. I do, in fact, feel a bit better, but still envious that I didn't get out of my job while my heart told me that it was in the best interests of my entire family. Cos then reality made me see that it's really not in the best interests of many in my family if I bring home wages that would land us in the bread lines. Seriously, over half of my paycheck would be shelled out for some other psychobitch (other than me) to care for my children. And yes, I would really have to take the chance that they would really be a bigger psycho-bitch than yours truly.

...Anyway, I digress. Anyone care to join me on the bus I'm driving? It's No. 666.


Blogger Walter said...

You know it's such a nice day out I think I'll just walk.

1:18 AM

Blogger Katie said...


11:08 AM


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