Life as a reformed Zookeeper. Now living a life as a working mother who dabbles in karate, scrapbooking, and Coors Light!

Saturday, August 27, 2005

Pass the Pepto....Cruel Irony at it's Best.....

....I had no plans today, so I got to sleep in until about 8:30. I moved at a snail's pace getting up and getting going. It appeared that it would be a groovy day. Aaron's mom calls to say that Poppa B would be putting his newly-finished classic car in a show down the street from where we live. Groovy, we say, and get ready. I take a shower, including the wonderful things that often get neglected in my brief hose-offs of a typical day, like using my three-minute conditioner and shaving my legs. I spend the extra few minutes putting on make-up to doll myself up.

We hang out with Aaron's parents, sister and boyfriend, and aunt and uncle for a little while at the park. We vote on his dad's car to win prizes. We then decide to go out to eat. While there, we all realize just how tired we are. I start to feel that wonderful disconnected feeling that comes from ingesting allergy medicine. I start to feel very groggy. Lunch takes an insufferably long time. We FINALLY get to go home and I take a nap. All is right with the world again, right? WRONG.

I get up from my nap, thinking at first that I will now tackle the arm-length to-do list that's running in my head....when, all of a sudden, my stomach cramps up with those ever familiar feelings that I'll soon be blowing the back out of the toilet......

........cruel, cruel irony that is my, there were no missions of organization and cleanliness taking place in my home today. And I shall have to clean the toilet tomorrow when I'm feeling a bit better.



Blogger cmhl said...

ohhhh, that is harsh... hope you are feeling better by the time you read this!!

5:33 PM

Blogger Village-Idiot said...

Feel better. I have to ask... what did you eat?

8:40 PM


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