Life as a reformed Zookeeper. Now living a life as a working mother who dabbles in karate, scrapbooking, and Coors Light!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Things Are Looking Up.... Tuesday found me at Best Buy getting a new camera. The high irony of this is that yesterday someone said "Just look online and see if there is some way that your $125 warranty will be valid." Not expecting to find out anything positive on a warranty from a store that went out of business last year, I was pleasantly surprised to find that my warranty is, indeed valid. Of course, that also might mean that I have to take back Canny... my new Canon Rebel XS for which I have lusted after for over a year but have never bought. We'll see. garage door now has all new hardware. I feel like I might have gotten hosed into spending more than I'd anticipated, but the door is much quieter and the hardware has a lifetime guarantee.
...I'd given up all hopes for going someplace fun this year, especially since I'd bought the camera. But my friend Judy and her husband have graciously invited us along to crash their vacation. So next will find me in the Wisconsin Dells. I've already scoped out that there will be a craft fair up there. We'll definitely be hitting that. And I did see that there is karaoke next Friday and Saturday night at a local bar, but I think perhaps we'll spare Judy and Scott from that... *winks*
... so I shall remain my annoying happy self for a little while longer. At least until Aaron makes me give Canny back....
ETA: I totally forgot to share this story. And I want to get it down before it becomes part of the forgotten past... is terribly cute. You see, Chez Byers, the kids have a very intricate way of earning an allowance. We call it the Tally System. For every job they do, they get a certain number of tallies. We've had many friends comment that their kids would like to be able to make as much money as Collin does, to which my friends promptly remind them that Collin does a lot of work around the house. Which he does. But he is rewarded handsomely for it! So even the Gruesome Twosome are in on earning tallies for their labors, albeit they earn their tallies at a significantly slower rate than Collin. ANYWAY, I gave you some background on the story. We're coming out of Best Buy, and I'm clutching my bag of goodies, whimpering. Collin asks me, "What's wrong, Mom, aren't you happy?" To which I respond in a shaky voice known only to those that are excited yet nervous on spending so much money at once "Yes, but man, I just spent a lot of money." Erin pipes up, "You need to get some tallies, Mom!" Ladybug, I wish it were that simple as an adult....


Blogger Judy in Indiana said...

I think you could get tallies so easily. Dish and kid duty and ...whatever your chores are. You got tallies in the bank, babe! Too bad it just doesn't translate to cash in the pocket.

3:44 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whoo Hoo! New camera!

11:33 PM

Anonymous Matt "Ikigai" said...

Haha, it seemed so obvious to her that you just needed some tallies. Good stuff.

I hope all goes well with your camera situation!

12:28 AM


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