Life as a reformed Zookeeper. Now living a life as a working mother who dabbles in karate, scrapbooking, and Coors Light!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


so life is crazy busy right now... i've decided that there is no way i could be a rockstar. the next few weeks will leave me with no real time off to just veg. don't get me wrong. is my own fault. but oy! between soccer games, cage fights, going out, i've not had enough sleep. oh! throw in bouts of insomnia, and i'm living the dream.

but it's been fun. life's too short not to have fun and spend time with people who you can laugh with and be stupid with. i'm so very blessed to have a plethora of them in my life.

life's also too short to grow up... am feeling like a college kid with the hours am keeping lately... *winks*


Blogger Judy in Indiana said...

I had so uch fun at lunch yesterday. I laugh harder with you than anyone else!

1:41 PM


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