Life as a reformed Zookeeper. Now living a life as a working mother who dabbles in karate, scrapbooking, and Coors Light!

Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Tuesday Tidbits....

  • shout out to Judy for pre-emptively calling Aaron to schedule watching the Terrifying Trio on early dismissal Friday. You're an awesome friend, and too good for me.
  • shout out to Katie for introducing me to Campbell's Chunky, Sirloin Burger and Country Vegetables. Has been longer ago than I care to admit that you told me about this soup. But it makes for a good lunch on a cold, snowy day like today. Is cheap, too!
  • Someone gave me a free Tall coupon for an Espresso Truffle drink from Starbucks. Was very yummy. Will definitely get that one if I get gift cards! Am having trouble parting with nearly five for a drink that doesn't contain alcohol, so will wait until it's free! *winks*
  • Am hating being a girl right now. 'Nuf Sed.
  • Got the day off on Dec. 15th to be with my brother. There shall be no end to the fun we're going to have.
  • Another great morning with the twins. Though they did want to wait OUTSIDE the car this morning and shuffle around in the snow. Too cold for that noise! But no tears. Which is fabby.


Blogger Judy in Indiana said...

I am not enjoying being a girl either. And I really want to nap!

2:19 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe y'all are over the hump with the morning drama. Crossing my fingers for continued peace!

10:47 PM


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