Life as a reformed Zookeeper. Now living a life as a working mother who dabbles in karate, scrapbooking, and Coors Light!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

I *heart* Stress!

Here's a brief synopsis of my afternoon:
  • Listen to colleague tell me how she nearly wrecked her car due to slick roads.
  • Watched aimlessly as the cars stack up in front of my window, which provides me a nice view of the interstate.
  • Receive call from Aaron stating that he's fallen on ice and thinks he has a concussion.
  • Beat a path out of work to clean my windshield and park my car on I-465 between the I-69 and Keystone interchanges.... for 45 minutes! With a dying cell phone! On the last quarter of a tank of gas!
  • Use precious cell battery to text two dear friends to call Aaron (thanks, Katie!) and to go over to the house (thanks, Melissa...who doesn't read this so won't know she's getting a shout out!).
  • Call Grandad's room for an update, only to get no answer. Try not to panic.
  • Get home to determine that, while the doctor said she didn't deem it necessary to take Aaron in to ER to be seen, I kind of do. Call in to on-call doctor and leave message.
  • While waiting for on call doctor to call me back, I get a call from Mom to let me know that they'd moved Grandad to another hospital in a bigger city. Whew!
  • Talk to on call doctor, who gave me some reassurance that Aaron's head would, indeed, not explode. Get instructions on how to take care of Aaron.
  • Talk to mother-in-law while I make dinner.
  • Feed kids.
  • Give kids bath.

All that, and I still need to wrap presents tonight. *sigh*


Blogger Alaina said...

I'm just so glad Aaron didn't hurt himself worse than he did...what a scare! Here's hoping things slow down the next few days!

10:16 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Accckkkkk! That is a day of stress right there! I hope tomorrow is calmer.

12:12 AM

Blogger Judy in Indiana said...

What you don't trust me with your husband?

I locked myself in the bedroom to wrap presets today so tonight would not be another after kids fall asleep marathon. I am half done and out of Santa's paper and need batteries and two more presents for Noah.

11:38 AM


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