Life as a reformed Zookeeper. Now living a life as a working mother who dabbles in karate, scrapbooking, and Coors Light!

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Bowling Antics...

...of course, I was not in on them, nor did I get any pictures (ahem!), but I thought I'd share a funny that Aaron passed on to me yesterday. He went with a group of teachers/friends to a bowling alley yesterday. They had the bumpers up, and even had a ramp that the smaller kids could sail the ball down (since Erin's weight is almost directly proportional to a bowling ball...hehe...kidding. She was using a 6lb. ball). Well, Erin, though tiny, has to be the strongest and most stubborn kid of her age and stature. So, she wasn't going to use the ramp. Aaron said she tossed the ball the first time and got three pins down. The second time she tossed the ball, it went into someone else's lane, where it slowly rolled down and she got a STRIKE! To finish up her frame, she tossed the ball in her own lane and picked up a spare.

...Should I enroll her in bowling league now? She could be my retirement!


Blogger Jules said...

We'll watch you guys on ABC's Wide World of Sports on Saturday afternoons as your bowling prodigy leads you all to early retirement ;)

Seriously though, I love her determination not to use any "assistance" and do it her own way instead. Girls got spunk!

9:55 AM

Blogger Judy in Indiana said...

I love to use the bumpers when I bowl. Seriously, I would never score at all if it weren't for bumpers.

the kids are fighting with each other today. I'd toss one out if I could.

1:39 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good for her!

10:46 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry about the absense of pictures. We needed you there! Erin and Griffin both scored higher than I did! Happy New Year!

11:42 AM


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