Life as a reformed Zookeeper. Now living a life as a working mother who dabbles in karate, scrapbooking, and Coors Light!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Reinstitution of an Old Fave....

... you see, this lovely concoction of gin and diet Cherry Lime-Aid went by the wayside a few years back, due to a most unfortunate incident involving chocolate cake and a puke bowl. But Sunday found me in an adventurous sort of mood, and I reinstated this pink-colored glass of summer refreshment. To make it, you simply need some Tanqueray, two shots' worth, poured over ice...then you fill the rest of the glass with Minute Maid's diet Cherry Lime-Aid. Voila! Summer refreshment! And, once you've had your fill of this drink and a LOT of good food, you may enjoy two or three beers to top it off. You must be warned, however, that you might need to sleep with one foot on the floor to steady the spinning of the room that may or may not disturb your night's sleep.


Blogger Judy in Indiana said...

Diet Cherry Lime Aid? Does it come in a can or a frozen juice thing? I have never heard of it, but it sounds so yummy. Me loves diet drinks.

12:08 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was there to witness the tragic event, so I must say I'm surprised you reinstated this drink so soon :-) I mean, the Captain and I had a falling out like 5 years ago and we're still not talking....

7:41 AM

Blogger Auntie said...

I can say this is yummy first hand...the only thing is I only used one shot instead of two and it was just as good and less spinning involved!

7:41 PM


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