Life as a reformed Zookeeper. Now living a life as a working mother who dabbles in karate, scrapbooking, and Coors Light!

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Relaxed... the weekend's been fairly relaxing. After we picked Collin up we hung out at home, getting his gear cleaned up. the afternoon I went to Kohl's to get a new outfit for tomorrow. I've come to the realization that I'm going to need to take my friends with me shopping so that I don't buy clothes that are ill-fitting. On Friday, I did, however, buy myself a new pair of jeans without any input. I am afraid to buy new clothes at the moment, thinking always in the back of my head "What if I gain all my weight back?" I've given away many things that are too big, or have given them to Goodwill. Would so rather make payments on a new camera than buy new clothes. the evening we went over to my friend Melissa's house, where we were promised a night with pizza and beer. It wound up being a night at a bar with beer and food. She has a fifteen year old daughter, who they conned into watching the kids. Hey, I'm not mad at them! But, I feel a bit on the guilty side that our kids were thrust upon her. She did say that they were good. So for that I'm glad.

....this morning has been more of the same...being lazy. I've been working on the same scrapbook page for a while now. Have a severe case of scrapper's block where this page is concerned....go see it at my scrapping blog to give me input.....


Blogger Auntie said...

Relaxed...because I haven't been well....It is 4:51 PM and I am starting to feel better! Once I eat, I hope to be good to come over!

4:52 PM

Blogger Judy in Indiana said...

I don't know what to say about the scrapbook page. it needs more of something, but I don't know what. More words? New photos to go with the old? Big embellishments?

6:48 PM


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