Life as a reformed Zookeeper. Now living a life as a working mother who dabbles in karate, scrapbooking, and Coors Light!

Friday, May 12, 2006

i had a dream...., it's totally not as profound as Mr. Luther King Jr.! But I have been having some very vivid, very strange dreams lately. Last night, I dreamt that I had just given birth to my second set of boy/girl twins at 26 weeks. Instead of them being encased in isolettes, they were contained in plastic tube-like things that dolls used to come in. Instead of laying down, they were upright. And not only these oddities were to be found in my dream...I dreamt that there were rats in the hospital, and that I was bitten by one. *shudders*

...the other night, my dream was that the boy and girl combo from hell last year returned to my daycare unannounced. the mother paid me what she owed me, but didn't give any further explanation as to why she was dropping them off. the girl, who'd been ripping her hair out of her head when i met her, had a full head of curly hair.

...makes me happy to wake up and face the hell that is usually my waking world!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have dreams occasionally that are so vivid it takes me a while tor ealize what i dreamt is not real. eerie.

1:55 PM

Blogger Walter said...

Have you tried not eating anything before going to sleep?

6:46 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I stopped scrappin just long enough to get on the computer. WooooHooo my favorite lazy kind of day. I told the kids to go play with Scott for a while. HeeeHeee

1:55 PM


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