Life as a reformed Zookeeper. Now living a life as a working mother who dabbles in karate, scrapbooking, and Coors Light!

Friday, December 30, 2005

I'm a Lazy Doff, and other Ponderings.... I was up until 2am this morning reading The Nanny Diaries ....and I'm not even done with the book yet! So I've done nothing much of anything today aside from reading. There could be worse things, right? I feel guilty, because I've essentially wasted away a perfectly good vacation. *sigh*

....We went to Aaron's grandpa's in Terre Haute yesterday, which was fun. I got to snuggle not just one, but two cute babies, making me very clucky. *curses her defunct uterus* If I could afford to adopt a kidlet, I would do it in a heartbeat. The kidlet we could manage to afford. The adoption, notsomuch. I really sometimes wish that my uterus could carry a baby full-term without killing me in the persuit. But then again, here I sit with three wonderful kids who are usually a delight to anyone who meets them while there are so many people out there with empty arms. *bucks up*

....And the ponderance of the day is how ironic that we get so mad that we're turning into our parents. It happens. We don't always take the best attributes of the people who brought us into this world. Then again, we don't always take their worst, either. And with a couple my age, there are no bigger fighting words than..."YOU'RE JUST LIKE YOUR MOTHER/FATHER!" Say it's not true with you, but I've a feeling you're kidding yourself. I hang my head to admit that there are many ways in which I'm like both of my parents. Then a thought occured to me.... I may be like my mom or dad, but couldn't there be a few people who it would be worse to emulate? What about him? Him? Him? The crimes of my parents don't touch what these people have done. By a long shot. Sure, neglect is a serious crime in the eyes of the child on which it is inflicted that will render them friends with someone named Dr., which isn't a good thing. But the things I've endured pale in comparison with what has happened to so many people out there. So, I'll take the fact that "I'm just like my mother!" and keep in mind that there could be worse people that I could call Mom or Dad.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Vey classic tale today, indeed. I almost hung up on my mom today and looking back, I should have. I could have easily just said "Oh, those darn cell phones, I can never get reception." All she does is pick, pick pick, nag, nag, nag.I hope I don't do that to anybody.

1:20 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

In the future my child will be honored and blessed if he or she can say "that they are just like their father." Its not easy being me but somebody's got to to do it so it might as well be me, it will be a life long training session for a child to be like this.

2:06 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did you really have to play the Manson, Bin Laden, Hitler card? Maybe there mothers didn't hug them enough and tell them that they love them enough, so they took out all there insecurities and frustrations on the rest of civilization. So like a wise wise man once said "All the problems in the world can be traced back to a woman" Let old Harry give all you kiddo's out there a piece of free advice "Choose your father as your role model." And if you don't know who he is then old Harry Knutz will step up and be your role model.

2:15 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did you really have to the the Manson, Bin Laden, Hitler card? Maybe there mothers didn't hug them enough or tell them that they love them enough, so they took out all there insecurities and frustrations on the rest of civilization. So like a wise wise man once said "All the problems in the world can be traced back to a woman" Let ole Harry give all you kiddo's out there a piece of free advice "Choose your father as your role model." And if you don't know who your daddy is then ole Harry Knutz will dangle over you and be your role model

2:27 PM


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