Life as a reformed Zookeeper. Now living a life as a working mother who dabbles in karate, scrapbooking, and Coors Light!

Monday, October 03, 2005

Down to Four.... it wrong of me to be happy that i've only got four kids (including my own!!) today, despite the fact that the rest are sick? Griffin is NOT a happy camper about taking medicine these days, and will go to great lengths to get out of it...unsuccessfully, of course. One morning, he insisted ...."i not medicine, i all better!" last night he told me "i go bed!" but of course i wrestle him to the ground and shove the meds in his mouth. this is the start of a busy, yet fun month for me. this weekend is the ONLY weekend out of the month that doesn't have something fun going on. you heard about last weekend, which was fun, despite my lack of toddler cooperation. this weekend, i might do the UK Scrappers cyber crop (yes, i realize my homeland is not really across the pond, but they're a fun group). other than that....nada, zip, zilch. but next thursday katie will fly in and i will pick her up at the airport. she'll hang out with me for a bit on friday before heading out. but can i tell you that i'm stoked to see her. it's been since july....a long time to go without seeing my best girl. (have i told you that we've known eachother since first grade? that's some major history!) so after she leaves, my weekend will be less busy, but that's something to look forward to! so the weekend of the 21-23 will be fun...friday night is collin's black belt test. ok, so maybe that will be fun for me, but not necessarily him. hehe saturday will be my ten year high school reunion. the weekend of the 27-29 is fall break, and i will otherwise be occupied...perhaps by camping, but we shall see how it goes.

so there you have it, a taste of what is to come this month. and can i tell you that it's just what the doctor ordered?

off to the four with pens, scissors and other things that could destroy! ;)


Blogger Katie said...

Weee! My visit will be here before we know it! I can't wait to see your new house and get a stamping leason from a pro. :)

1:55 PM

Blogger Cath said...

Woohoo! You have some great stuff to look forward too

12:48 AM


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