Life as a reformed Zookeeper. Now living a life as a working mother who dabbles in karate, scrapbooking, and Coors Light!

Saturday, July 10, 2004

it's been a fairly rough week in zookeeperland....the children's biting is at an all-time high, and i'm just down in the dumps in general....i'm beginning to feel the need for a break, but don't know how to achieve it.....a nursing mother with a daycare doesn't get breaks, even with a supportive husband at home! there are too many poopy diapers to change, too many kids to feed, too many kids who want harry potter read to them at night....and that leaves steph with very little energy left over.... :( i know i must sound like a whiney-baby to some, but everything i say is the damn truth!! dammit!! LOL

i seriously love the kids i watch, and i certainly love my own kids...i'm totally wrapped up in being a mommy right now, but breaks are very good for the soul....

so...that being said....if i had a vacation right now, and could go anywhere.....where would i go?? hmmmm.....

i think i would love to go away to someplace like south haven, michigan, where it's not too cold, not too hot....and sit on the beach with a lighthearted, easy-reading novel....drink copious amounts of diet coke....sleep in as long as i wanted.....aaaaahhhh...

or....i might hop a flight somewhere....

'get out the map, get out the map and lay your finger anywhere down...we'll give the finger to those that we pass on the way out of town....' gotta love the indigo girls! ;)


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