Life as a reformed Zookeeper. Now living a life as a working mother who dabbles in karate, scrapbooking, and Coors Light!

Friday, December 12, 2008


  • my baby bro is not coming up until the concert on Monday and will have to beat a path out directly after the concert. Knew that it would be too good to be able to spend the weekend and entire day on Monday with him. But he needs to keep his job, and part of it is not taking Monday off.
  • Despite going to the med-check and being told I don't have strep, I have spots at the back of my throat and am feeling achy/headachy/feverish. Joy.
  • Dealing with familial stress of the extended kind. The mail's just taken a letter to my brother. Because we can't just pick up the phone and call to discuss how we feel.
  • My knees and hip joints are unhappy with being forced into duty with my stairs boycott.

What's your biggest beef right now? Come on. I can't be the only one to complain!

Oh, and someone, and methinks it's Judy, left a beautiful golden Christmas wreath on my porch yesterday. Is very pretty. Thanks to my fairy!


Blogger Judy in Indiana said...

Maria had two extra wreaths and told me if I didn't take them, they would go to Goodwill! I was going to hang it on your door, but it was wired to the box.

Two wreaths didn't help me, if I want to put them in the windows so they look good, I need three for downstairs or four for upstairs. Sheesh.

My biggest beef is the weather. Freakin cold today and I had a nail inmy tire, had to go to Discount Tire and wait.

3:26 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Acckkkk! Hope you feel better.

If I have to share a beef, I guess it's that I'm feeling whiny today because I really dislike house cleaning, but my apartment, unfortunately, doesn't clean itself.

11:53 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

do I only get to share one beef? and is there enough room to share them all? should they be from greatest to least in beefiness? I need to know the guide lines...
my beef, in no particular order,


I think that sums it up. i'd be happy to elaborate but it would require beverages and time. let me know when you have both =)
xoxo Lynn

9:41 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope you're feeling better soon Steph! I can't think of a beef right now - maybe because it's Saturday morning - my favorite time of the week! I would have to be back on here on Monday morning - but I won't have time because I'll be busy with butt munches - I mean my sweet little munchkins! I heard a little about the "special" mail you received. grrr~! Hope to see you sometime soon. Beverages and b****fest sounds like a good idea Lynn! Stephenie

10:39 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Big hugs Steph. Hope you feel better soon. We've all been fighting bugs here for the last month.
Miss ya! xxx

3:00 AM


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